This family history website contains a record of the ancestors of Agnes Durie. Born in 1885 in Penicuik, Midlothian, Scotland, Agnes emigrated to Canada in 1907 where she met and married Henry Harold Harrison. The couple settled in Toronto and raised a family of five children.

The information here is based mainly on the memories and research of Agnes’s grandchildren and great grandchildren. It is intended for those of her descendants who want to know more about their family origins. It is also, hopefully, for our more distant Scottish cousins who might benefit from or add to our knowledge.

The People section of this site contains information about members of the Durie family, including biographical sketches, photographs, census records, and civil registration certificates. In accordance with our Privacy Policy no information on living relatives is posted on this site. The Places section describes many of the regions, towns, neighbourhoods, and houses where family members lived and in some instances where they are buried. The Historical Context section attempts to portray something of the world these family members inhabited and includes links to relevant sites for those who want to know more.

Information on the descendants of Agnes Durie and Henry Harold Harrison can be found on Harold’s family history website.

The Agnes Durie Family website is a resource for all family members, near and far. We invite your contributions and welcome your comments, suggestions or additional material.


We would particularly like to acknowledge the enormous contribution of the late Jessie Durie Dunbar of Evans, WV to the research behind this website.