Partial Transcript

1862 Deaths in the Parish of Haddington in the county of Haddington
Name and surname

Rank or Profession, and whether Single, Married, or Widowed

When and where died Sex Age Name, surname, and rank or profession of father

Name, and maiden surname of mother

Cause of Death, Duration of Disease, and Medical Attendant by whom certified Signature and qualification of informant, and residence, if out of the house in which the birth occurred When and where registered and signature of registrar
John Durie 1862, February twenty second at 3.15 A.M. M 87 years John Durie, Cinderburner Chronic Bronchitis
Acute Dropsy
1st Many years
2nd 6 days
Wm Watson, Son in Law 1862 February 26th at Haddington.
Widower of Isabella Notman
Barney Mains Helen Durie
M.S. Cleghorn
as cert. by [illegible], M.D. I Thomas Henderson,, Registrar

[Obtained online at on 18 January 2010.]