Partial Transcript
No. of Householder Schedule | Name of Street, Place, or Road, and Name or No. of House | Name and Surname of each Person who abode in the house, on the Night of the 30th March, 1851 | Relation to Head of Family | Condition | Age of | [Gender] | Rank, Profession, or Occupation | Where Born | Whether Blind, or Deaf-and-Dumb |
47 | High Street | John Tear | Head | Widower | 40 | M | Sawyer | Haddingtonshire Dunbar | |
Betress Tear | Daughter | Unmarried | 19 | F | House Servant | Haddingtonshire Dunbar | |||
Janet Tear | Daughter | Unmarried | 16 | F | Servant | Haddingtonshire Dunbar | |||
Archabald Tear | Son | Unmarried | 11 | M | Scholar | Haddingtonshire Dunbar | |||
Jean Tear | Daughter | Unmarried | 6 | F | Scholar | Haddingtonshire Dunbar | |||
John Tear | Son | Unmarried | 3 | M | At Home | Haddingtonshire Dunbar |
Obtained online at http://scotlandspeople.gov.uk on 4 August 2009.
The 1851 census was taken on 30 March.