Partial Transcript
Register of Births and Baptisms for […] could not be inserted in the proper places in […]
Born 1836 Sept 26, Baptised 1836 14 October
Robert Durie son of John Durie hind in Sinsefeild and Isobel Blackie his wife. Baptised by the Rev John Jaffray, Witnesses Thomas Lockart and George Hoggs
Born 1838 May 28, Baptised 1838 19 June
Agnes Durie daughter of John Durie and Isobel Blackie his wife. Baptised by the Rev John Jaffray
Born 1839 November 27, Baptised 1839 22 December
Joseph Durie, son of John Durie and Isobel Blackie his wife. Baptised by the Rev. John Jaffray, witnesses Joseph Fortune and Joseph Harman.
Inserted here 13 July 1855.
Obtained online at on 6 August 2009.