Partial Transcript
No. | Name and surname | Rank or profession, and whether single, married, or widowed | When and where died | Sex | Age | Name, surname, and rank or profession of father | Name, and maiden surname of mother | Cause of death, duration of disease, and medical attendant by whom certified |
Signature and qualification of informant, and residence, if out of the house in which the death occurred | When and where registered and signature of registrar |
36 | Charles | Single | 1874, January Twentyfourthfifth 6h 30m pm | M | 1 3/4 years | John Durie | Jane Durie | Inflammation of Bowels | John Durie | 1874, January 26th |
Durie | 44 Merry Street Motherwell |
Joiner | MS Tear | As certified by J Forrest M.D. | Father (present) |
at Dalziel [Signature] |