Partial Transcript
West Virginia State Department of Health
Division of Vital Statistics
- Place of Death:
- County: Kanawha
- Magisterial District: Charleston Independent
- City or town: Charleston
- Address: Charleston Gen. Hospital
- Length of stay in hospital or inst: 4 days
- Home (Usual Residence)of Deceased:
- State: W. Va.
- County: Kanawha
- City or town: Cedar Grove
- Full Name: Gilbert Durie
- Sex: Male
- Color or race: White
- Single, married, widowed, or divorced: [blank]
- Name of husband or wife: [struck out]
- Birth date of deceased: Oct. 10, 1927
- Age: 18 years
- Birthplace: Reed, WVa.
- Usual occupation: [blank]
- Industry or business: [blank]
- Father’s name: Gilbert Durie
- Father’s birthplace: Scotland
- Mother’s name: Ruth Marshall
- Mother’s birthplace: Reed, WVa.
- Informant’s signature: [signature]
- Address: Cedar Grove, WVa.
- Burial, cremation, or removal: Buried
- Date thereof: 4-17-46
- Cemetery or crematory: Spring Hill, Charleston WVa
- Funeral director: [signature]
- Address: Belle, WVa.
- Filed: 4-27 1946, Bessie Humphries, Registrar
- Date of death: April 14, 1946 at 10:35 PM
- I certify that death occurred on the date above stated, etc.
- Immediate cause of death: Cerebral contusion; traumatic amputation left foot; fracture rt. femur; multiple lacerations scalp.
- Major findings of autopsy: Basal skull fracture.
- If external causes contributed to the death fill in the following:
- Accident, suicide, or homicide: accident
- Date of occurrence: April 10, 1946
- Where did injury occur? Struck by train near Cedar Grove, W. Va
- Did injury occur about home, on farm, industrial place, in public place? Struck by train.
- Means of injury: Struck by train.
- Signature: George Miyakawa, M.D., Cedar Grove, W. Va.