Partial Transcript
No. | Name and Surname. | Rank or Profession, and whether Single, Married, or Widowed. | When and Where Died. | Sex. | Age. | Name, Surname, and Rank or Profession of Father. | Name, and Maiden Surname of Mother. | Cause of Death, Duration of Disease, and Medical Attendant by whom certified. | Signature & Qualification of Informant, and Residence, if out of the House in which the Death occurred. | When and where Registered, and Signature of Registrar. |
25 | John | Farm Servant | 1904 December First 1h 0m P.M. | M | 83 Years | John Stewart | Christina Stewart | Senile Decay Heart Failure |
Wm Stuart, Son | 1904 December 3rd |
Stewart | (Widower of Marion Tear) | Nether Hailes, Prestonkirk | Farm Servant Deceased |
MS Morrison Deceased |
As certified by David D. Bead LRCPdS[?] | Braud’s Mill, Dunbar | At East Linton [Signature] |
Obtained online at http://scotlandspeople.gov.uk on 22 October 2010.