Partial Transcript
No. | Where, When, and How Married | Signatures of Parties. Rank or Profession, whether Single or Widowed, and Relationship (if any). |
Age. | Usual Residence. | Name, Surname, and Rank or Profession of Father. | Name, and Maiden Surname of Mother. | If a regular Marriage, Signatures of officiating Minister and Witnesses. If irregular, Note of Conviction, Decree of Declaration, or Sherriff’s Warrant. | When & Where Registered, and Signature of Registrar. |
125 | 1867 on the Fifteenth day of June at No. 10 Arthur Street, Edinburgh | Signed John Durie Joiner (Bachelor) |
20 years | Haddington | John Durie Farm Servant |
Isabella Durie MS Blackie |
Signed Thomas Cochrane for the Pleasance Church | 1869 June 20th |
after Banns according to the Forms of the Free Church of Scotland | Signed Jane Tear Domestic Servant (Spinster) |
19 years | Haddington | John Tear Gamekeeper, deceased |
Janet Tear MS Hunter, deceased |
Signed Alex D. Robertson, Witness Euphemia Forrest, Witness |
At Edinburgh [Signature] |