Partial Transcript

1864 Marriages in the District of Canongate in the Borough of Edinburgh
No. Where, When, and How Married Signatures of Parties.
Rank or Profession, whether Single or Widowed, and Relationship (if any).
Age. Usual Residence. Name, Surname, and Rank or Profession of Father. Name, and Maiden Surname of Mother. If a regular Marriage, Signatures of officiating Minister and Witnesses. If irregular, Note of Conviction, Decree of Declaration, or Sherriff’s Warrant. When & Where Registered, and Signature of Registrar.
125 1867 on the Fifteenth day of June at No. 10 Arthur Street, Edinburgh Signed John Durie
20 years Haddington John Durie
Farm Servant
Isabella Durie
MS Blackie
Signed Thomas Cochrane for the Pleasance Church 1869 June 20th
after Banns according to the Forms of the Free Church of Scotland Signed Jane Tear
Domestic Servant
19 years Haddington John Tear
Gamekeeper, deceased
Janet Tear
MS Hunter, deceased
Signed Alex D. Robertson, Witness
Euphemia Forrest, Witness
At Edinburgh