Partial Transcript
When, Where, and How Married. | Signature of Parties. — Rank or Profession, Whether Single or Widowed, and Relationship (if any). |
Age. | Usual Residence. | Name, Surname, and Rank or Profession of Father. — Name, and Maiden Surname of Mother. |
If a regular Marriage, Signature of officiating Minister and Witnesses. If irregular, Date of Conviction, Decree of Declarator, or Sheriff’s Warrant. | When and where Registered, and Signature of Registrar |
1894 on the First day of June at 2 Manderston Place, Shottstown, Penicuik
After Banns according to the norms of the Church of Scotland |
(Signed) Alexander Wilson Ironstone Miner Bachelor |
21 | 12 Leslie Place Shottstown, Penicuik |
Alexander Wilson Ironstone Miner Margaret Wilson M.S. Anderson Deceased |
(Signed) H.B. Strong Minister of Glencorse (Signed) John Morgan, Witness |
1894 June 4th at Penicuik
John Alexander, Registrar. |
(Signed) Jane Durie Domestic Servant Spinster |
20 | 2 Manderston Place Shottstown, Penicuik |
John Durie Joiner (Journeyman) Deceased. Jane Durie M.S. Tear |
Obtained online at http://scotlandspeople.gov.uk on 5 August 2009.