Partial Transcript
List or Manifest of Alien Passengers for the United
S.S. “Cameronia”
Passengers sailing from Glasgow, 21st October 1922
No. on List | Name in full | Age | Sex | Married or single | Calling or occupation | Able to read, write | Nationality | Race or people | Last permanent residence | The name and complete address of nearest relative or friend in country whence alien came | Final destination |
21 | Durie, Gilbert | 26 | M | S | Miner | Yes | Britain | Scotch | Scotland, Loanhead | Father – Gilbert Durie, 1 Ramsay Square, Loanhead | W. Va., Dana |
22 | Durie, Isabella
(sister) |
17 | F | S | Domestic | Yes | Britain | Scotch | Scotland, Edinburgh | Father – Gilbert Durie, 1 Ramsay Square, Loanhead | W. Va., Dana |